Social Science Research Council Research AMP Just Tech

Trust & Safety Research Conference | SIO & TSF

Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center 326 Galvez Street, Stanford, CA, United States

Hosted at Stanford University’s Frances. C. Arrillaga Alumni Center, the Trust and Safety Research Conference will convene trust and safety practitioners, people in government and civil society, and academics in fields like […]

CDCS Book Talk: Asta Zelenkauskaitė, Drexel University

Annenberg School Room 108

With the prevalence of disinformation geared to instill doubt rather than clarity,Creating Chaos Online, unmasks disinformation when it attempts to pass as deliberation in the public sphere and distorts the democratic […]

Democracy’s Data: Book Talk With Dan Bouk

The Law School’s LawTech Center focuses on pressing questions in law and technology, including policy concerns, data analysis of legal texts and the use of technology in the legal profession. […]

2022 Midterms: NYU’s CSMaP Seminar Series


Using Social Media to Drive the Political Conversation Social media is a key tool for candidates and lawmakers to share policy positions, connect with voters, and fundraise. This seminar will […]

2022 Midterms: NYU’s CSMaP Seminar Series


Generation Gap: Why the Baby Boomers Still Dominate American Politics and Culture The Baby Boomers are the largest and most powerful generation in recent American history. They dominate cultural and […]

2022 Midterms: NYU’s CSMaP Seminar Series


Beyond Facebook and Twitter: The Impact of New and Niche Platforms For years, Facebook and Twitter dominated scholarly research about the social media landscape. But in the last few years, […]

Elihu Katz Colloquium: Lauren Feldman (Ph.D. ’08), Rutgers University

Hybrid Annenberg Room 500 and on Zoom

Lauren Feldman is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication & Information at Rutgers University. Her current research emphasizes three primary areas of interest: climate change communication, partisan media […]