Megan Kurten
Megan Kurten is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Government and a Ph.D. candidate in Comparative Politics at American University. Her research centers on political conflict, particularly the relationships and interactions between states and violent organizations. Her dissertation focuses on criminal politics, analyzing the electoral and diplomatic conditions that shape state enforcement strategies against organized crime. Megan’s broader interests include the impact of electoral institutions on anti-democratic behavior and outcomes, investigating how different institutions frame the power dynamics between state and societal actors. Her current projects explore these dynamics in diverse contexts, including authoritarian responsiveness to voter behavior in Cuba, the strategies of violent organizations and organized crime in sub-Saharan Africa, and the role of heritage-based disinformation in mobilizing right-wing movements in advanced democracies. Megan’s research uses comparative approaches to explore the mechanisms and institutions in which political actors navigate conflict, repression, and governance.