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Survey finds Canadians are spending less time on social media but TikTok is the exception | Social Media Lab

Pre-pandemic, Canadians’ love affair with social media shows no signs of slowing. But after living through two years of COVID-19 restrictions, more Canadians are reevaluating the role of social media in their lives.

According to a new report, ‘The State of Social Media in Canada 2022’, released today by the Social Media Lab at Toronto Metropolitan University, Canadians are spending less time on social media now that most pandemic restrictions have been lifted. Facebook has the highest percentage of daily users at 70%, but this percentage dropped from a previous high of 77% daily users in 2020. In comparison with our data from 2020, TikTok is the only platform showing a slight 2% increase in the percentage of daily users. In contrast, Reddit has the largest drop of daily users (-14%).

The survey shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in some changes in where and how often Canadians are spending their time on social media,” said Mai. “TikTok has emerged as the clear winner among the platforms; compared to data we collected in 2020, it had the largest gain (11%) in the number of Canadian adults who reported having an account on the platform in 2022.


Source: Survey finds Canadians are spending less time on social media but TikTok is the exception | Social Media Lab