Pornhub is adding “comprehensive measures for verification, moderation, and detection” of uploaded content to verify that the videos on its platform feature consenting adults and not “potentially illegal material,” including exploitation of minors, the company said in a press release (PDF) this week.
The site—and its parent company MindGeek—found itself in the spotlight in early December as New York Times opinion columnist Nicholas Kristof published a feature alleging that Pornhub “monetizes child rapes, revenge pornography, spy cam videos of women showering, racist and misogynist content, and footage of women being asphyxiated in plastic bags.” Kristof spoke to several women who said videos of them being sexually assaulted were uploaded to Pornhub without their knowledge or consent and that having them removed was all but impossible due to the site’s upload and download policies.
Source: Pornhub brings in third-party “identity verification” system for users | Ars Technica