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Networks of pro-Kremlin Telegram channels spread disinformation at a global scale | DFRLab

An analysis of forwarded posts, creation dates, and naming systems reveals that all three networks — Surf Noise, Info Defense, and Node of Time — are connected, with Info Defense and Node of Time being closely associated with one another and Surf Noise existing on the periphery. The cross-amplification efforts between the channels were most evident in Russian, German, Italian, and Spanish. A cluster of thirty-four Info Defense channels was the most interconnected, sharing each other’s posts despite language barriers.

Telegram is the primary platform for sharing information about the Ukraine war. The platform has loose content moderation politics, making it fertile ground for disinformation.

Source: Networks of pro-Kremlin Telegram channels spread disinformation at a global scale | by @DFRLab | DFRLab | Mar, 2023 | Medium