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Fact check: The deepfakes in the disinformation war between Russia and Ukraine | DW

Manipulated videos designed to make it look as if someone said or did something they did not — known as deepfakes — have targeted politicians for years. With higher stakes amid Russia’s war in Ukraine, however, such videos could have a swift and devastating impact on those directly involved in the conflict.

DW Fact Check takes a look at some of the recent deepfakes that circulated on social media amid the conflict.

Deepfake of Putin

This deepfake of Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared on Twitter in March. The manipulated video of Putin was shared on social media with many describing it as showing Putin urging Russian soldiers to lay down their weapons and go home. But DW’s Russia service reveals that this is not what the fake audio says.



Source: Fact check: The deepfakes in the disinformation war between Russia and Ukraine | Europe | News and current affairs from around the continent | DW | 18.03.2022