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“It’s been really, really bad”: How Hispanic voters are being targeted by disinformation | MIT Technology Review

The disinformation is “using religion as a pull to distort her record, drawing a real divisiveness between what it means to be, as you would call it, a good Christian or a good Catholic,” says Ashley Bryant of Pa’lante, an effort to combat this type of targeting.

Soon progressive groups were trying to combat the narrative, arguing that Barrett’s nomination would be bad for Catholic Hispanics.

More recently comments by Joe Biden about making abortion the “law of the land” triggered a siege of coordinated disinformation across a number of Spanish-language Facebook pages. Repetitive imagery and messaging on the subject are appearing across these groups, such as the false claim that Kamala Harris supports abortion up to minutes before birth. These smaller-scale coordinated actions can avoid the attention and scrutiny that might be given to viral posts or hashtags, making them harder to monitor and catch.


Source: “It’s been really, really bad”: How Hispanic voters are being targeted by disinformation | MIT Technology Review