News Item Placing a visible hand on the digital revolution | Brookings Institute By Tom Wheeler on January 13, 2020 Regulation, Policy, & Platform Governance
Profile Dhiraj Murthy Professor in the School of Journalism and the Department of Sociology (by courtesy), University of Texas at Austin Contributor
News Item Major TikTok Security Flaws Found | The New York Times By Ronen Bergman, Sheera Frenkel and Raymond Zhong on January 8, 2020
News Item Why We Need Industry-Independent Research on Tech & Society | CAT Lab By J. Nathan Matias on January 7, 2020
News Item Polarization in the Twittersphere: What 86 million tweets reveal about the political makeup of American Twitter users and how they engage with news | Medium By Evette Treewater Alexander on December 17, 2019 Algorithms and Automation
News Item Public statement from the Co-Chairs and European Advisory Committee of Social Science One | Social Science One By The European Advisory Committee Social Science One and Social Science One on December 11, 2019 Credibility and Trust
Event 13th ACM International WSDM Conference February 3, 2020 – February 7, 2020 Algorithms and Automation