News Item ‘Clog the lines’: Internet trolls deliberately disrupted the Iowa caucuses hotline for reporting results | NBC By Ben Collins, Maura Barrett, and Vaughn Hillyard on February 6, 2020
News Item The Billion-Dollar Disinformation Campaign to Reelect the President | The Atlantic By McKay Coppins on February 6, 2020 Targeted Disinformation
News Item Iowa trouble was closer to home than foreign interference | AP News By Colleen Long and Aamer Madhani on February 5, 2020 Algorithms and Automation
News Item Russian disinformation ‘ongoing problem’ says FBI chief | BBC By BBC News on February 6, 2020
News Item Why the Iowa Caucus Birthed Conspiracy Theories | The Atlantic By David A. Graham on February 4, 2020
News Item Why you can trust the Iowa caucus results once they’re released | Vox By German Lopez on February 4, 2020 Credibility and Trust
News Item YouTube posts additions to its rules on political and election-related misinformation | Axios By Margaret Harding McGill, Sara Fischer on February 3, 2020
News Item Iowa official slams viral claim of suspicious voter registration activity as false | Reuters By Elizabeth Culliford on February 3, 2020
News Item The Democrats’ new online troll fighters make 2020 debut in Iowa | CNN By Donie O’Sullivan on February 2, 2020