As protests raged in Washington DC on May 31 following the death of George Floyd, President Donald Trump shared a cryptic Twitter message from a supporter with a one word message of his own: “STRENGTH.”
The message, from an account that went by the name Sean Cordicon, contained video of the president and his supporters, and the message the “the calm before, during, & after the storm.”
The post — from an account soon suspended by Twitter for spreading disinformation — would have meant little to most people.
But to those in the sprawling QAnon movement it was a nod of presidential approval, cementing an unusual symbiosis between an online conspiracy theory and Trump’s re-election campaign.
For QAnon supporters, “the storm” refers to the day Trump will finally take action against the alliance of intelligence officials, child-abusing Democrats and their media allies whom they believe — groundlessly – have long been covertly manipulating world affairs.
Source: Trump campaign sources propaganda from QAnon network – Business Insider