Social Science Research Council Research AMP Just Tech
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Tech & Democracy report | All Tech Is Human

All Tech Is Human’s Tech & Democracy report addresses key issues and best practices in the field, and highlights a diverse range of individuals working in the field (across civil society, government, industry, academia, and entrepreneurship). Similar to all of our reports, this is assembled by a large global working groups across multiple disciplines, backgrounds, and perspectives. Previous reports released by our non-profit include our Responsible Tech Guide, Co-Creating a Better Tech Future, AI & Human Rights, Improving Social Media, HX Report, and The Business Case for AI Ethics. You can find these reports, along with all of our projects, here.

The Tech & Democracy report will center around four key topics – Misinformation and Disinformation, Digital Governance & Policy, Online Radicalization and Extremism and Technology & Elections, as well as best practices related to multistakeholder collaboration, civil society empowerment, and accountability.  In addition, the report will feature profile interviews with 40+ individuals actively working in the space, as well as related resources from over 100 organizations at the intersection of technology and democracy. As is the case with our previous publications, the report is co-created with a team of over 100 volunteers from our community.

Source: Tech & Democracy report | All Tech Is Human