Social Science Research Council Research AMP Just Tech
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Call for Papers: COVID-19 & Misinfodemics | HKS Misinformation Review

Urgent Call for Papers: COVID-19 & Misinfodemics

We invite concise, empirical papers (peer-reviewed, 3000 words) or evidence-based commentaries (edited, 1500 words) from all disciplines and methodologies, including case studies, experimental research, qualitative and ethnographic research, data and network sciences. We estimate that empirical papers will be published one month after submission, and evidence-based commentaries will be published one week after submission. All papers and commentaries will be widely distributed to a variety of stakeholders, including politicians, journalists, and researchers.


To ensure content clarity and broad impact, we ask authors to keep academic jargon to a minimum and we strongly encourage authors to write in a clear, straightforward style.
