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Attention, Joe Rogan: Spotify now reserves the right to restrict the reach of misinformation | Nieman Journalism Lab

After Spotify’s Joe Rogan Experience released a widely derided episode that made covid vaccines sound as safe as Russian roulette — with a guest who argued the vacinated were victims of “mass formation psychosis,” a thing that does not exist — there was pushback from many corners.

A group of doctors and scientists said Spotify enabled Rogan “to damage public trust in scientific research and sow doubt in the credibility of data-driven guidance offered by medical professionals.” Rocker Neil Young famously took his music off the service, saying, “They can have Rogan or Young. Not both.” Others with Spotify deals — Roxane Gay, Ava DuVernay, Brené Brown — ended or paused them. Even the White House got involved.

But one key source of resistance was internal — both from employees in general and from one of Spotify’s other podcasts, Science Vs. And it appears that Spotify has made sufficient tentative progress on limiting the spread of misinformation to mollify at least one group’s concerns.



Source: Attention, Joe Rogan: Spotify now reserves the right to restrict the reach of misinformation | Nieman Journalism Lab