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Annual self-assessment reports of signatories to the Code of Practice on Disinformation 2019 | European Commission

The Commission has received annual self-assessment reports from the online platforms and technology companies Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and Mozilla and from the trade association signatories to the Code of Practice against disinformation, detailing policies, processes and actions undertaken to implement their respective commitments under the Code during its first year of operation.

As foreseen in the December 2018 Action Plan, the Commission is now carrying out its comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the Code of Practice.

In addition to the self-assessments by the signatories, the Commission will take into account:

On this basis, the Commission will present its comprehensive assessment in early 2020. Should the results under the Code prove unsatisfactory, the Commission may propose further measures, including of a regulatory nature.



Source: Annual self-assessment reports of signatories to the Code of Practice on Disinformation 2019 | Digital Single Market