Team AI4Dignity is organizing a two-day collaborative coding event with fact checkers, AI developers and academic researchers to improve machine learning models to flag and label online extreme speech with
Public plenary and panels
How can AI assisted systems contribute to online extreme speech moderation?
How do we envision collaborative endeavors in AI assisted moderation to address the vast cultural variation and dynamic nature of hateful expressions online?
How can communities, AI developers and ethnographers team up
Factcheckers: Clara Becker, Chico Marés, Thays Lavor, Gilberto Scofield Jr., (Brazil); Anshita Bhatt, Aylin Dogan, Julia Ley, Anna-Sophie Barbutev, Eva Casper, Marita Wehlus, Aylin Dogan (Germany); Anmol Alphonso, Govindraj Ethiraj, Mayur Deokar, Nidhi Jacob, Vinod Rathi, Rahul Namboodri (India); Geofrey Omondi, Erick Kashara (Kenya)