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Computation + Journalism Symposium 2020

March 20, 2020March 21, 2020

“We invite the submission of contributions exploring the interface between data and computer science and journalism in three categories: researchpractice, and technologyFor the 2020 Symposium, we make a special call for papers that involve data visualization, with an emphasis on the communication of uncertainty. A special section of the conference and its program will be dedicated to submissions in this area.

Research. Academic research papers exploring a question of interest in journalism or data and computing sciences as it relates back to journalism and news information;

Practice. Journalist-oriented talks focused on experiences or case studies in journalism including stories, visualizations, investigations, or interactive experiences produced with, by, or about data and algorithms;

Technology. Descriptions of new computational and data-driven tools, platforms, applications, and services that enable novels ways of finding, producing, interacting with, or distributing news content…”


March 20, 2020
March 21, 2020
Event Category: