Social Science Research Council Research AMP Just Tech

Politicians and the Attractions of Incivility

Bentivegna, Sara; Rega, Rossella

This chapter examines the use of incivility by political actors in relation to three primary objectives: building a personal brand, constructing a political identity, and mobilising supporters. First and foremost, it highlights how the use of incivility allows for the immediate recognition of the political actor employing it and, simultaneously, leads to a distinct separation from the traditional political context. Through the frequent deployment of bad manners, emotionalism, and aggression, political leaders redefine their image, distancing themselves from the so-called technocratic elite while also fostering a reconnection with their communities. In the hybrid media system, these mechanisms also enable politicians to increase their media exposure and influence over the media agenda. Second, by facilitating an emotional connection with voters, the use of incivility allows politicians to define a group identity and reinforce a sense of belonging—whether it be social, cultural, or ethnic—for which they become the spokesperson. Finally, we will explore how incivility can function as a lever to mobilise supporters and facilitate various forms of political engagement, both within online platforms and in physical public spaces.