
Le fact-checking ou la réinvention d’une pratique de vérification

Bigot, Laurent
Communication & Langages

From the “Décodeurs” in Le Monde to “Désintox” in Libération, and from “L’oeil du 20 heures,” onFrance 2 to “Vrai du Faux” on France Info, all of the current versions of fact-checking—in France or elsewhere in the world—are founded on the observation of relatively recent journalistic practices. Their aim is to verify the truth of what has been said by political leaders or other public figures. But this is merely the most recent incarnation of fact-checking, which began on the other side of the Atlantic with websites like and, to name but a few. Both in France and in the USA, the media no longer implements fact-checking in its original sense: born in 1923 with the creation of Time magazine and based on an exhaustive and systematic checking of journalistic content before publication. Various historical, editorial, and economic factors appear to explain this evolution.