
Designing the Index: A Review of Good Practices

Mousavizadeh, Alexandra; Srinivasan, Santhosh

The Global Disinformation Index (GDI) will amplify the work of complementary initiatives currently fghting the use and spread of disinformation by bringing much needed metrics to this feld. The GDI aims to develop risk ratings for all news domains around the world with an objective to stop efforts to disinform both upstream (where disinformation starts) and downstream (where and how it spreads).
The GDI is developing “indicators” that can identify, measure and validate the risk of a news-related domain to disinform. The methodology is composed of two parts:
• an automated, machine-learning assessment that can classify large volumes of low production quality ‘junk’ sites in real time;1 and
• a manual assessment of higher-quality disinformation outlets that may not be easily discernible by automated technical means.
This paper provides a critical input into the process. It provides a thoughtful analysis of why the GDI should create an index and the features it should address. This is based on good practices identifed by similar assessments and risk ratings. An annex at the conclusion of the paper provides a summary overview that has been used in compiling this scoping paper.