News Item

Uninhibited speech is the ultimate weapon in the fight against misinformation | TheHill

Words have no meaning; they are both malleable and subject to change at the whim of the powerful. Today, a Black person can be called a “white supremacist” and Jews can be called a “Nazis.” The reason is clear: These people, and many others, dare to deviate from the worldviews of the powerful. When words are used against political enemies of the powerful, they lose their meaning and become simply badges. They are badges that we place on those with whom we disagree, so that they can be identified in a crowd, pulled to the side, and “re-educated” or expelled by society.

For too long, Big Tech has controlled what we say by imprinting into the minds of the masses a certain worldview. Big Tech has silenced dissenters, making those who dare to disagree with them outcasts. The “fact-checkers,” both manual and automated systems, review social media posts and censor them when they determine a post to be false or misleading. The very notion that a company would hire someone to fact-check private speech is outrageous. We should not tolerate lies, but it is not the job of a powerful few to label something as a “lie”; it is the job of the content consumer to do so. Giving a few entities the power to brand people as liars gives them disproportionate power to determine truth by labeling some lies as “fake news” but not others, according to their agenda.



Source: Uninhibited speech is the ultimate weapon in the fight against misinformation | TheHill