News Item

Tracking and Dispelling COVID-19 Disinformation | Black Voice News

With COVID-19 variants changing how the nation deals with the pandemic, it is important the public has correct information about the disease, its prevention, and how to protect both themselves and their family members from the virus’ worst effects.

To do that effectively there should be reliable information about the nature of the disease and which protection measures work to decrease its spread and make public safety paramount.

The CDC has a webpage which updates and informs the public on the latest disease statistics and other relevant information.

It is equally important to point out falsehoods which continue to be disseminated to the public and spread through social media.  Some of the misinformation may be unintentional such as repeating mistaken information a friend or relative may have passed on. However, some information may have unintended consequences and lead to distrust of public health officials and the scientific consensus which can result in higher rates of disease and further the spread of the virus.

Source: Tracking and Dispelling COVID-19 Disinformation | Black Voice News