News Item

Riverside County Grand Jury Says, “No” Election Fraud | Black Voice News

When the Riverside County Grand Jury released its 2020-2021 Civil Grand Jury Report on July 2, among the several issues it explored during the recent session was election fraud.

It appears the issue was taken up to assuage the maniacal blatherings of high-level Republicans in local leadership and their minion-minded followers still clinging and perpetuating the “Big Lie” of the former president, Donald John Trump.

The Grand Jury grappled with the following question, “Was the Riverside County November 2020 Consolidated General Election Administered Fairly and Impartially?”

The question I ask is, why are we wasting tax dollars to investigate something we know is a charade? Especially when we have already learned that doing so, regardless of the outcome of the investigation as we’ve witnessed from municipality to municipality and from state to state around the country—the response remains the same—Republicans continue to perpetuate the Big Lie.


Source: Riverside County Grand Jury Says, “No” Election Fraud | Black Voice News