News Item

Doctors and Scientists Are Fighting Vaccine Misinformation on TikTok | VICE

If you browse the #teamhalo hashtag on TikTok, it might not be clear at first whether the videos are advocating for or against vaccines. The short previews for the videos have text boxes on them with captions like “What’s in Covid19 vaccines?” “Vaccine and infertility,” and “Rushed vaccines?” Click on any of the videos, though, and you’ll see doctors and scientists commenting on other TikToks to debunk falsehoods, dancing underneath text that summarizes up-to-date information, and relaying the results of scientific studies in meme format.

These videos are the products of Team Halo, a group of scientists who moonlight as social media influencers. Since the group’s start last summer, Team Halo-tagged videos have amassed over 81.8 million organic views on TikTok alone. According to the group’s website, Team Halo was established as part of the United Nations’ Verified initiative with The Vaccine Confidence Project at the University of London’s School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


Source: Doctors and Scientists Are Fighting Vaccine Misinformation on TikTok | VICE