News Item

Joe Rogan and COVID disinformation: What he said and why he’s wrong | CNET

A clip from the Joe Rogan Experience podcast of Rogan suggesting young, healthy people don’t need a COVID-19 vaccine  went viral on Tuesday. The shock jock’s comments quickly drew criticism, including a response from a White House official and Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Here’s what the popular, controversy-loving podcaster said:

“I think you should get vaccinated if you’re vulnerable,” he said. “I think you should get vaccinated if you feel like — my parents are vaccinated. I’ve encouraged a lot of people to get — and people say, do you think it’s safe to get vaccinated? I’ve said, yeah, I think for the most part it’s safe to get vaccinated. I do. I do.”

Source: Joe Rogan and COVID disinformation: What he said and why he’s wrong – CNET