News Item

CIA’s fake vaccine program in Pakistan helped fuel the anti-vax movement | Vox

“Happy vaccination day!” the nurse administering my Covid-19 vaccine tells me as I lower myself into her chair. Almost a year of social distancing has made me highly attuned to all the surfaces I’m touching: my elbow leaning on the desk, my hands signing the vaccine card with the pen.

The hospital where I work as a research scientist in a synthetic biology lab is vaccinating all its staff, and excited voices from all sorts of people — scruffy graduate students, put-together receptionists — fill the air. One thing is immediately noticeable, though: As someone who is Pakistani, I am one of the few people of color in the vaccination room. Even in a hospital in a city that is majority people of color, those being vaccinated are mostly white.


Source: CIA’s fake vaccine program in Pakistan helped fuel the anti-vax movement – Vox