News Item

UN-ICFJ Research Examines COVID-19 Disinformation | International Center for Journalists

COVID-19 has spawned a flood of potentially deadly mis- and disinformation that directly impacts lives and livelihoods around the world. UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres has described this  as a “poison,” and humanity’s other new “enemy.”

As part of the UN’s response to the crisis, we were commissioned to produce two new policy briefs published today by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), with the support of ICFJ. The goal is to help the UN, governments, journalists, civil society and internet communications companies respond to the crisis — and to ensure that  freedom of expression rights are not undercut in the process. This research highlights journalism’s critical role in  fighting back.


Source: UN-ICFJ Research Examines COVID-19 Disinformation | International Center for Journalists