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How Tech Companies Are Successfully Disrupting Terrorist Social Media Activity | The Conversation US

In June 2017, Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft announced the formation of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT). The aim of this industry-led initiative is to disrupt the terrorist exploitation of its services. Recently, GIFCT members hailed the achievements of its first year of operations. But, while this progress must be acknowledged, significant challenges remain.

Every single minute there are on average 510,000 comments and 136,000 photos shared on Facebook, 350,000 tweets posted on Twitter and 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube.

Given this, the biggest companies extensively rely on artificial intelligence (AI). Facebook’s uses of AI include image matching. This prevents users from uploading a photo or video that matches another photo or video that has previously been identified as terrorist. Similarly, YouTube reported that 98% of the videos that it removes for violent extremism are also flagged by machine learning algorithms.

Source: How tech companies are successfully disrupting terrorist social media activity